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Our Missionaries

Rev. Bill and Aletha Green

Costa Rica


In some countries of Latin America, Reformed churches have a long history. In other countries the Reformed faith is virtually non-existent. In all cases, the historic faith of the Church is under attack, either by liberal tendencies which undermine Scripture’s authority, or more recently by the neo-pentecostal “health and wealth” message.


Rev. Bill & Aletha Green have labored in church planting in Costa Rica, and are currently involved in their third church plant on the north east side of San Jose, Costa Rica. They also helped establish the Tepeyac Christian grade school and high school which Aletha served as principal for over 15 years. And Bill is Executive Secretary for the “Latin American Fellowship of Reformed Churches” (CLIR) which has as its goal bringing Reformed churches and groups together throughout Latin America to strengthen church leaders, provide support for those who need it, and serve the propagation and defense of the Reformed faith. Toward that end, CLIR has established a publishing ministry, and is providing Latin America with solid, Reformed resources.

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​Iglesia Reformada de Comayagua

Rev. Ernest Langendoen and his wife Elizabeth arrived in Honduras in 1990, sent by the Christian Reformed Church of North America, working under the direction of Christian Reformed World Missions.  The Langendoens were assigned to work in the rural areas of southern Honduras, mostly in the field of church education.    Rev. Langendoen continues to make periodic visits to a small country church in southern Honduras in a village called Nueva Union.  This is the church where he preached his first sermon in Spanish.  In 1994 Rev. Langendoen accepted a call from the Immanuel Orthodox Reformed Church of Jordan, Ontario, Canada, to work in the city of Comayagua, with the goal of planting a church.  The Langendoens have four adopted children from Honduras. 


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Rev. Earnest and Elizabeth Langendoen and family
Rev. Tony Zekveld

Toronto Hope Center

Rev. Tony Zekveld is called and sent by the Covenant Christian Church [URC] of Wyoming, Ontario to be a missionary among the numerous South Asian peoples’ in the Greater Toronto Area.  This has led, over the years, to the planting of a congregation under the oversight of Covenant Christian Church. He is active in preaching, teaching, visiting and also discipling new believers. 

​His full-time assistant, Peter Nathaniel, labours alongside him in this very challenging ministry among these peoples’ from various religious backgrounds. 

                         For more information go to

Rev. Cornelius (Neal) and Sandra Hegeman

Mints International Seminary (MINTS)

As of 2018, MINTS International Seminary works in more than 70 countries in the world, with over 700 study centers and many thousands of students. Courses are written in 11 languages. From 2004-2014, MINTS has graduated more than 3500 students.  

Rev. Neal  Hegeman has been with MINTS Theological Seminary since 2000. Neal is a missionary teacher, author of more than 45 courses and books ( and currently visits up to 12 countries a year.  He is the Hispanic ministry coordinator dealing with more than 10,000 students.

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Izmir, Turkey


Rev. Coskun was called by Walker URC in 2022 to serve as a missionary in Turkey. He currently is the assistant pastor at the Izmir Protestan Kilisesi (Protestant Church of Smyrna). His duties include preaching, teaching, visiting, counseling, discipleship and evangelizing. 

For more information go to 

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Rev. Cagdas Coskun, his wife Gulden, and their daughter, Mevsim,


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Divine Hope Seminary


Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary exists to provide Biblical and theological instruction to residents of correctional institutions within the state of Illinois and Indiana. The goal of this rigorous program of Biblical and theological studies is the moral transformation of residents in correctional institutions so that they can live in hope and joy and be a blessing to their families, churches, and communities.  Divine Hope’s aim is to foster humility and holiness in our students. We seek to nurture incarcerated men and women who can be examples of moral transformation and who are peacemakers in their prison communities and beyond.

We believe that fulfilling Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary’s mission will

  • produce graduates who can winsomely communicate the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ

  • contribute to a reduction in minor offenses and violence within prison

  • foster re-entry back into society and help to reduce recidivism rates

  • nurture relationships between offenders and their mentors and their faith

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